Cristiano Ronaldo is in a commercial for KFC Arabia

Written by David Rogers on .

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Cristiano Ronaldo has been used to sell a wide range of products over the course of his career. From numerous spots for Nike to a memorable stunt where he raced a Bugatti on foot, most of Ronaldo's appearances have at least been logical ones showing off his skills and fitness. Then there's his appearance in an ad for KFC Arabia which defies logic. 

Athletes are usually used to pitch athletic apparel, sports drinks or healthy food items. Rarely do we see someone that's known for his physical gifts and incredible training regimen used to sell something like fast food. KFC isn't exactly known for their nutrition. In fact, some of the most fatty and most salty items in the fast food universe call KFC home.

With that in mind, it's quite odd watching Ronaldo showing off his fancy moves only to celebrate by eating fried chicken. Does anyone really think Ronaldo, a guy that idolizes his body more than most, would really be eating such a meal? Probably not. Add in the fans that are passing a KFC bucket around the stadium and you have a commercial that's more than worthy of appearing on our site. 

Maybe the folks behind KFC Arabia meant to use Brazilian Ronaldo, the man that gained considerable weight after his soccer career and reportedly wanted to name his child Ronald because he loves going to McDonald's. An honest mistake. 

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