Myspace unveils latest, innovative concept

Written by David Rogers on .

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Brace yourself - you might be going back to Myspace in the near future. The world of social media is constantly evolving, with companies rising fast before falling even faster. Such was the case with Myspace (now with a lowercase "S"), a social media giant that tumbled into the ranks of obscurity over the last several years. Last year Myspace made headlines when it announced Justin Timberlake was taking an ownership stake in the company. Now Myspace teases their new look in a two-minute video that hints at what might be the new, yet familiar, big thing in social media. 


Congratulations, Myspace. You're suddenly worth discussing in a positive light for the first time in several years. The two-minute preview got our attention. We're curious to test out the horizontal scrolling feature ourselves. In a world where vertical scrolling is the norm, the horizontal format would place Myspace in unique company. The move especially makes sense for desktops considering that most monitors are now more wide than they are tall. We aren't sure how well it would work on traditional vertical smart phones, but it'd be fun to try it out. 

It appears that Myspace is trying to become your hub for social media activity. Other sites have attempted and failed to capture this exact idea but Myspace might have a leg up due to their successes and failures in the industry. It also doesn't hurt having someone like Timberlake in your ranks, though the ironic tie to Facebook thanks to the Social Network film is both unavoidable and humorous. 

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