New "got milk?" commercials aim to cure sleepless nights

Written by David Rogers on .

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When you think of a "got milk?" commercial, what do you picture? Odds are you're probably thinking of a famous celebrity or athlete with a milk mustache. The California Milk Processor Board is out to change that with a couple ads that abandon the usual brand image strategy and instead attempt to highlight milk's features.

Milk has long believed to be one of the cures for a sleepless night. The newest "got milk?" ads highlight this point, showing what can happen when you wake up in the middle of a dream - with somewhat horrifying results. 

The spot at the top shows a lovely lady swimming around a pool. The image is ruined when she suddenly becomes a guy in a wet, revealing outfit. It's a shame you didn't drink milk before bed or you could have continued enjoying watching a beauty circle around a pool. 

Another commercial takes a trip down a bizarre path reserved strictly for dreams or the mentally disturbed. The premise here is the same as the individual wakes up in flight, causing him to go spiraling to the ground. Again, if he drank milk he'd still be flying around with a flock of geese. 

What do you think of a "got milk?" campaign that tries to show off milk's features? It's a strategy we haven't seen in a while, but is it an effective one? It might be a bit difficult to get over the weirdness in these spots, especially if you catch this ad randomly in the middle of the night. 

(H/T AdWeek)

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