Mentos doesn't want you to be like your dad

Written by David Rogers on .

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Mentos has two very distinct images in the United States. The first involves their old advertisements which had that catchy song and incredibly cheesy freeze frame (The freshmaker!) which spawned generations of parodies. The other was the brilliant combination of Mentos and Diet Coke which probably gave Mentos their best sales numbers in ages.

Other than that, we haven't heard much from Mentos in the United States. Meanwhile abroad, Mentos appears to be trying to rebrand itself as a mint for younger generations. In a series of spots from the U.K., Mentos uses the slogan "Don't Become Your Dad," a warning to young people that unless they stay fresh they may risk major public embarrassment. 

The best spot in their series is at the top of this article, with a young man taking on the role of a father that simply can't figure out his phone. It's relatable - we all know or have seen this person before - and it's incredibly awkward. The company has also rolled out spots involving attractive women in both a car and a hot tub, only to be turned aside by yet another awkward individual who is a bit too much like an old man. 

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