Gillette trims a city with a giant razor

Written by David Rogers on .

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In an effort to promote their new Gillette Fusion ProGlide razor, Gillette took to the parks and walking paths of Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras. Noticing that some of the parks and paths were a bit overgrown, Gillette dressed up a trimmer as a giant razor and set out to give the city a close shave. 

Over a period of two days, Gillette gave a "clean shave" to seven parks and two footpaths. As onlookers watched the giant razor go to work, Gillette representatives handed out information explaining their new product. 

This is a terrific concept. Not only does Gillette receive plenty of attention for their giant razor, but they also receive a ton of positive PR for helping clean up some of the parks in Tegucigalpa.

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