Geico's camel loves movie day

Written by David Rogers on .

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Geico's camel loves more than just Wednesdays. In a new ad which will air in cinemas before feature presentations, Geico's camel struts around announcing his love for movie day. He also helps himself to some popcorn, runs into one of his coworkers (Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike) and reminds those attending to silence their cell phones. 

The video may not fit perfectly within the size of our site, but you get the idea. 

Geico scored a huge hit when their camel made his debut to celebrate Hump Day. He's been the clear winner of their "Happier than" campaign and he's now the star of this ad in a partnership between Geico, NCM and Screenvision. 

This isn't the first time Geico has scored big with a talking animal. You'll recall Maxwell the Pig was adored, but his popularity dried up as Geico placed him in more and more commercials. Let's hope they don't make the same mistake with their camel. 

(H/T AdWeek)

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