Häagen-Dazs gelato ad leaves us in a daze

Written by Reva Friedel on .

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Häagen-Dazs apparently makes gelato now and it's apparently the company's "Italian masterpiece." I haven't tried the gelato yet, but the commercial they made is a crime against humanity. So many things wrong:

The cheesy background music. Are we watching an opera, or a commercial?

The angry girlfriend breaking things. Also the angry, barefoot, cooking in the kitchen when her man gets home girlfriend who is breaking things.

The two-in-one insult "Go live with your crazy mother," and the implication that all women are crazy.

That the company thinks gelato can abate this level of dysfunction.

Or that they think they gave us a masterful Italian soap opera?

This is seriously one of the worst ads I have seen in a long time. Nothing masterful about it, and now I'm not trying the gelato, either. I don't want to fund this type of crap.

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