Sony PlayStation takes us on a journey from 1995 to present

Written by David Rogers on .

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The launch of the PS4 is just weeks away and with it we close the door on another generation of Sony technology. As a way of looking back at the PlayStation, PS2 and PS3, Sony created a brilliant British ad which details the life of a boy and his friends from when they have a PlayStation all the way to present day. We witness changes in fashion and technology in a non-stop sequence of brilliant creative execution. 

Want to feel nostalgic? Check out Sony's UK ad titled "For the Players Since 1995."

Incredible. The attention to detail here is pretty phenomenal. From pizza boxes reflective of the era to clothing we haven't seen since the '90s, this ad truly felt like a journey through time. Did you catch the somewhat subtle transition from standard definition to high-definition? Clever. 

It's also pretty neat to see that though so much has changed over the years, the boy and his friend remain close. Perhaps their bond remains intact because of their mutual love for video games. Now that's a message the gaming community can rally behind.  

Want to see how it was made? Here's a great look behind the scenes:

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