Jean-Claude Van Damme is in an ad for Go Daddy

Written by David Rogers on .

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It's time to talk about the latest commercial from Go Daddy. Surprisingly, this time we aren't ripping on an extremely distasteful, sexist ad. Instead, we're discussing the rather odd spot which features Jean-Claude Van Damme playing bongos, maracas and a flute all while doing one of his signature poses. The end result was bizarre, but it left us with some awesome GIFs courtesy of USA Today

We're completely on board with Van Damme being the new face of Go Daddy, but this spot has an Old Spice style which never really pans out. It's kind of fun imagining Van Damme will pop up wherever you are, do the splits and play a random instrument, but Go Daddy's new slogan - "It's go time." - might be more silly than all of those "racy" ads. 

Are there more Van Damme ads in store? Let's hope so. They're strange, but they're a huge improvement compared to some of the other commercials from Go Daddy. 

(H/T Adweek)

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