
Would you trust OMG Tax with your finances?

OMG Tax is a real company that you're supposed to trust with your tax problems and general finances. Would you let a company with Internet / teen girl lingo in its title handle some of your biggest financial issues? Probably not, which is why they've created this ridiculous baseball commercial loaded with clichés. 

Well, we definitely said OMG. Unfortunately it was because of the commercial being shown and not some form of brand recognition. Cheap green screen effects. Awkward uniform on the guy named Juice (OK, Juceam. Close enough). A painful closing cliché. Makes you want to hand over your tax forms, doesn't it?

Let's not forget their slogan: "A different type of tax company." 

No argument here, but that's not exactly a redeeming quality. 

David Rogers

About David Rogers

Managing Editor of the NHL blog Puck Drunk Love, the St. Louis Blues blog Frozen Notes and Awful Advertisements, a blog on ...awful advertisements. Contributing Editor for Awful Announcing.
