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Denmark had some creative marketing for Game of Thrones ☆

The new season of Game of Thrones didn’t really need any marketing. Despite that fact, we saw several online videos and commercials promoting the show. In Denmark, the Game of Thrones marketing was a bit more creative.

Now you have a place to tie up your dragon when you pop in the grocery store.



Apparently in Denmark there are parking signs for dogs. That’s pretty awesome as is, but it’s even better when there’s a comically large parking sign for dragons a few inches away.

Here’s a description about the advertising from Ads of the World:

To help promote HBO Nordic’s Game of Thrones season 4 premiere, we put up dog parking signs made for dragons, next to the normal ones, outside stores and supermarkets in Copenhagen, Stockholm, Oslo and Helsinki.

We love marketing like this. It’s subtly and no where near as annoying as a commercial you see on TV approximately 400 times. It’d be nice if other companies stepped outside their comfort zone and tired to integrate ads for their products a bit more seamlessly in everyday life.

David Rogers

About David Rogers

Managing Editor of Puck Drunk Love, Frozen Notes and Awful Advertisements. Contributing Editor for Awful Announcing. Love hockey, Real Madrid and Ray Hudson - but not necessarily in that order.
