Best and worst commercials from Super Bowl 48

Written by Awful Ads Staff on .

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Super Bowl 48 is in the books. As we turn the page on the most popular advertising day of the year, we're left debating all of the ads which filled our screens. Was this a good year for ads or were they on par with Peyton Manning and the Broncos?

Here are our selections for the five best and worst ads from Super Bowl 48. 

Did we miss an ad you loved or hated? Tell us in the comments below!

5 Best Commercials
By​: David Rogers

We've been left disappointed the last few years, but this year's batch may have hit a new low. Some spots tried hard and simply missed the mark, others left us wondering what the hell we had just watched. Overall, it was difficult to fill out this list with five ads. Ultimately I sided with the five ads which I thought sucked the least. It wasn't easy. 

Radio Shack - In With The New

I can't believe I'm talking about Radio Shack. This is 2014, right? Here Radio Shack is able to laugh at themselves in a commercial overflowing with '80s nostalgia. There's too many noteworthy cameos and references to name. 

Radio Shack is still in a world of hurt when it comes to operating a business, but this is an outstanding ad.

Budweiser - A Hero's Welcome

This ad was released a few days early (because surprises are bad, I guess), but the quality and message of the ad stood strong in a year which saw very few memorable ads. You could say Budweiser is playing it safe (who is going to be against an ad like this?), but it's a brilliant way to boost brand image.  

TurboTax - Love Hurts

We've already told you how TurboTax is winning the tax advertising battle, but they pushed the bar even higher with their Super Bowl ad. The spot is relatable for just about every sports fan (you suck, Sean!) and it does an adequate job in explaining their product. 

Though we're pretty sure there were some fraudulent deductions here...

Bank of America - U2 - RED

U2 may not be your band of choice, but you have to admire Bank of America's ad which allows you to download U2's song "Invisible" for free for 24 hours. For every download, Bank of America will donate $1 to help the fight against AIDS. Great cause, great promotion. 

Chevy - Life

Speaking of great causes, Chevy is supporting the American Cancer Society and is encouraging users on Twitter and Facebook to join in their mission to support cancer survivors. The ad is simple, yet it's sure to hit home in a big way for those with loved ones who have beaten cancer. 

Esurance Save 30! Technically it didn't air during the game, but it was a perfect demonstration of what the company does tied in with what will be a hugely successful hashtag promotion. 

CarMax - Slow Clap. Yeah, it's dumb, but Rudy cameo!

Need for Speed - Plot wasn't spoiled and it had a lot of cars doing crazy things. What's not to love?

5 Worst Commercials
By: Reva Friedel

(Editor's Note: Reva thought all of the ads sucked this year. She had a difficult time narrowing down her list to just five to focus on.)

Chobani - Bear

I sincerely do not understand the point of this commercial - metaphorically, ironically, creatively, etc. What were we going for here? If a bear destroys a General Store to find yogurt when no one is looking, does it shit in the woods? Oh, I'm sorry, did that not make sense? Exactly.

Dannon Oikos Greek Yogurt - The Spill

It looks like 2014 was not the year for Greek yogurt. This hyped up Men of Full House reunion turned into a bad blow job joke. Uncle Jesse! How could you?

AXE - Love, Not War

While I appreciate the make love, not war message, I had no idea what the commercial was for or representing until the very end. Another problem here is that I am not entirely sure if AXE is for just men or for just women, or both. Soooo, that's a problem.


I just can't think of a reason that we need to be excited about ketchup in any way, shape or form. Are they trying to say the plastic bottles are bad and the glass ones are good? We all know it's impossible to get ketchup out of those glass bottles. 

Go Daddy - Bodybuilder

It wouldn't be the Super Bowl without a Go Daddy commercial that didn't make sense or freaked us out in some way. Really, Danica Patrick on that body - not helping.


I thought the Radio Shack ad was funny and forgot about the Rudy cameo in the CarMax ad. Thats why I liked that ad. For nostaglia, I liked the Full House reunion ad too.  Other than that, the ads were kind of lousy this year. 


That drippy Bud homecoming ad blew. The Coke ad was good ol' melting pot, E Pluribus Unum style patriotism, without the rah rah military crud, and nothing is better for reintegrating fractured military families like a massive Bud-funded ad campaign disguised as a soldier's homecoming parade: "Alright, coming down the escalator, hug the wife and CUT! Let's try it again with more passion this time people!" And nothing goes together like PTSD and booze!

Also beware any ad purporting to donate a portion of funds raised to a big time charity, like the ACS or Project Red (or (RED) or (PROJECT) red or whatever the hell pretentious punctuation it is they use). They nearly all blow what little money is not spent on overhead and advertising on phony baloney awareness campaigns designed to funnel more money into said charity's coffers. Very few dollars actually go to researching cures or better medicine. Plus both ads sucked. Some drippy couple riding along in a Chevy as track 9 of the Dawson's Creek soundtrack plays in the background and the other featuring Bono's godawful caterwauling joining forces with BANK OF EFFING AMERICA which has quite possibly ruined more lives than AIDS ever did. I'm only sorta joking.

Where was the aforementioned Coke Ad or Tim Tebow? "Might want to hold on to those doughnuts!" was great, as was Jamie Casino's flaming sledgehammer of justice. Mjolnir has nothing on the flaming sledgehammer, and, dollar for dollar, that weird ad probably brought more attention to his pissant law firm than Bono will ever bring to AIDS. Your Awful Advertising Awful Super Bowl Advertisements was awful.  


My favorite commercial is the puppy with the horses.. 



Come on, the Audi dog commercial was absolutely the best.  The U2 phonies commercial was just plain stupid. 


Wished all commercials would go with the wind. I don't care to watch any of them. They are all as useless as screen doors on a submarine.


@EricMartinez1  So while our butt is watching young men and women are dying in combat and you say the Welcome blew you better thank all of us vets so your sorry lazy ass can watch super bowl while stuffing your face you POS


@swededawg52 Swededawg52 that Commercial would probably be my 4th favorite Commercial out of my 4 Favorite Commercials during the Super Bowl this year.


@BellaMurphy Bellamurphy I agree with you and I personally would put the Budweiser Puppy Love 1 over the Bank Of America U2 Ad and would also put the Dorito's Time Machine ad over the Budweiser A Hero's Welcome Ad as my favorite 5 Commercials from this year's Super Bowl!

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