Have you ever been watching TV and an awkward scene comes on right as your mom/dad/grandparent walks in the room? Of course you have. Itâs happened to just about everyone. Those moments are, unfortunately, unforgettable.
HBO, specifically HBO GO, is looking to save you from those awkward moments.
This is probably a bit too relatable for some of you out there. You might not be watching the clip featured here from Girls, but odds are youâve had your moment where you wish you could watch your show literally anywhere else. With HBO GO, you can on any mobile device or tablet, which should prevent your dad from walking in and telling you what you can and canât do with your body.
On a different note, itâs interesting that this ad is targeting a younger demographic. Youâd think a company which relies on adults paying for their premium service would be a bit more friendly to adults, but here HBO GO appears to be pursuing a much younger audience.