Itâs amazing how much of a stir can be caused by a change of font. In Googleâs case, the hoopla is warranted. Itâs one of the worldâs biggest companies and itâs visual marketing is based almost entirely on 6 letters. Any change of those letters is likely to be noticed because how much traffic the site receives.
Along with the new logo, Google rolled out new looking apps and a focus on a rainbow ‘Gâ instead of the blue lower-cased ‘gâ. For those wondering, the font switched from Serif Wordmark to Sans-serif. Google is also creating a holding company called Alphabet in a change of financial and corporate structure.
Here are a few more big companies that made small, but noticeable changes to their logos.
The newer logo is on the left.
Netflix made the logo cleaner and less box office-y. The switch was a good one.
Paypal made a slight change. I do prefer the new one with the overlapping Pâs with the nice semi-transparent look.
Dominoâs ditched the pizza for a more inclusive logo. Itâs nothing special but the change was overdue.