

TurboTax is winning the advertising war versus H&R Block in 2014

Every year there is an interesting little showdown at the beginning of the calendar year. As tax season gets underway, the two largest tax preparation services/products ramp up large ad campaigns in hopes of compelling Americans without a tax preparation product, accountant, or company of choice, that they are indeed worth the cost. Although H&R […]

Alex Smith Is Quite The Odd Addition To This Nike Commercial

Not a lot of companies do advertising at the same level as Nike. That's more of a compliment to their ad agency Wieden and Kennedy who also is ESPN's ad agency. The ad below was debuted during the NFL draft but is now in heavy rotation now football season is under way. It features the […]

Geico Is Seriously Still Using These Dumb Caveman And Brian Orakpo Commercials

The Geico commercial below was posted over a year ago and was heavily featured during the 2011 football season. It's definitely awful for a variety of reasons that we'll get into in just a moment, but what's grinding my gears is that it's STILL in heavy rotation across sports programming. I mean most advertising for […]

West Coast Gear Has Infamous RBIs Radio Spot Pulled

While we'll mainly focus on national television commercials here, the radio spot below is an interesting study.  For the past six months or so, West Coast Gear, a casual apparel startup has aggressively been buying radio ad sports on the the Bay Area's largest radio station, KNBR.  Some will remember a little under a decade […]

About Us

So you found our website. You’re in luck….you are among friends. David Rogers The managing editor of Bloguin’s NHL hub Puck Drunk Love, David is a hockey aficionado with a professional background in marketing and advertising. His passion for the frozen game is only surpassed by his hatred of advertising companies that believe an annoying ad […]

ESPN Flexing Advertising Prowess With Fantasy Football And Stafford MNF Commercials

If you take the time to read "Those Guys Have All The Fun", the oral history chronicling ESPN's rise to dominance, surprisingly one of the 9 key steps to their success includes the success of the "This Is SportsCenter" commercials. ESPN's advertising over the years has stayed consistently high quality and focused on whatever they […]
