Toys"R"Us turns a boring field trip into a day filled with toys

Written by David Rogers on .

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Toys"R"Us field trip

Toys"R"Us tricked a large group of children into thinking they were going on a field trip to learn about trees. Almost as soon as the kids were loaded on the bus, the yawns started rolling in. But wait! These kids weren't really going to learn about trees. Instead, they were going to Toys"R"Us to spend time playing with toys. 

Pure excitement follows. 

Cute overjoyed children. It's tough to be critical of that. Try and not smile when you see these kids pick out a favorite toy and explain to you how happy they are or how cool the toy is. The boy with the Nerf gun sums it all up with one big sigh of contentment. 

Great ad by Toys"R"Us. It's difficult to capture, but the store can be a place of pure joy and excitement for young people. The message here is also pretty effective on adults. Don't you want to make your kids as happy as the ones above this Christmas?

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