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Reese’s misspells their own slogan ☆

We’re usually pretty supportive of Reese’s. Their commercials are basic, yet they always capture our attention and keep us entertained. Due to their simple nature and limited text, you’d expect the ads to be perfect - especially when it comes to spelling.

That’s not quite the case. Watch for their slogan at the very end of this video.

It’s brief, but at the end you’ll see Reese’s used the word poppable. Only they used “popable” which doesn’t appear to be a word as far as we can tell. Search popable and you’ll be sent to entries of poppable.

Here’s what shows up on Merriam-Webster:


It’s not a huge mistake as far as mistakes go, but you’d think the company would have addressed the situation - especially when it involves a slogan. Alas, the video you see above has been on the company’s YouTube account for over six months.

(H/T Commercials Forum)

David Rogers

About David Rogers

Managing Editor of Puck Drunk Love, Frozen Notes and Awful Advertisements. Contributing Editor for Awful Announcing. Love hockey, Real Madrid and Ray Hudson - but not necessarily in that order.
