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BMW X5: The third row from hell

This commercial, or a version of this commercial (where the grandmother says something embarrassing in the third row of a car), has come on almost every break in March Madness so it’s getting a bit old. Despite that, it’s laugh out loud funny.

First of all, the commercial hits on subtly introducing the features; the sun shining off the exterior, the spacious third row, and the premium leather. The features are wrapped into an awkward and embarrassing grandmother bit, admitting to her son and his family of four that her husband (the children’s grandfather), was a “dominant man.” The ad doesn’t even need the punchline at the end about a back-back seat driver but it does drive home the point that the third row of this X5 fits an adult.

Having variations of this ad run all through March Madness will be successful as long it changes enough so consumers don’t get tired of watching it, because no matter how good an ad is, seeing it every commercial break makes me want to punch a wall.


Stephen Freyman

About Stephen Freyman

Contributor to awfulads, basketball-society.com, and a lover of all things Sixers. @fryperson
