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Nike debuts 2014 World Cup commercial - Risk Everything ☆

Nike has unveiled their 2014 World Cup slogan - Risk Everything - as well as their first commercial which features Neymar, Wayne Rooney and Cristiano Ronaldo. The spot shows the three players traveling to their game, passing by hordes of screaming fans and countless flags, banners and jerseys supporting their native country.

Chalk this up as another awesome soccer commercial from Nike. Once again, the company called on the intensity and passion of soccer and used it to amp viewers up for the Cup. What’s noteworthy is that this time Nike decided to show what happens away from the pitch as opposed to what happens on it. It was a risk, but it worked extremely well in this spot as it depicts some of the best players in the world in a light we’re not normally accustomed to seeing.


David Rogers

About David Rogers

Managing Editor of Puck Drunk Love, Frozen Notes and Awful Advertisements. Contributing Editor for Awful Announcing. Love hockey, Real Madrid and Ray Hudson - but not necessarily in that order.
